Imagine highlighting the team's 32 years of experience

Experience since 1992

MIA Marketing is an independent marketing research company that decrypts consumer data into insightful findings to help companies make informed decisions that maximize their customers’ journey.

Today, we are a powerhouse name in the field of marketing research in Romania and a well-established member of the local entrepreneurial community.

Years in the industry
+ 0
Partner agencies worldwide
Interviews conducted per year
+ 1000
Studies completed
+ 500

Our Solutions

It is our commitment to find the most suitable research concept for you.

Brand Management

New Product Development

Market Structure

Customer Experience

Shopper Insights

Innovative Insights

Our Key Professionals

We are artisans of numbers, creative by nature and highly technical by practice. We are strong advocates of a strategic approach to businesses through tailored marketing research.

Cristian Stefanescu - Research Direction


Research Director

Ciprian Zamfirescu - Research Director


Research Director

Florina Bogdan - Senior Research Consultant


Senior Research Consultant

Cornelia Nenciu - Senior Research Consultant


Senior Research Consultant


INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS: MIA Marketing boosts its Advanced Analytics Centre of Excellence (AACE)

Based on our relevant experience gained in over two decades of activity in the field of marketing research and involvement in projects with a high degree of complexity, we have built and developed the  AACE which provides advisory and advanced analytical services to our customers who wish to use the research insights as well as […]


1. Informații generale INSTITUTUL DE MARKETINGA MIA S.R.L., cu sediul in Bucuresti, Str. Arhitect Stefan Burcus nr. 9, Sector 1, Cod unic de inregistrare RO 335600, inregistrata in Registrul Comertului Bucuresti sub nr. J40/17809/1992 va prelucra datele pe care ni le furnizati in acord cu prevederile Regulamentului 679/26 aprilie 2016 privind protectia persoanelor fizice in ceea ce […]

Study: Over half of BVB investors are more interested in buying than selling shares on the stock exchange in 2023

April 2023 MIA Marketing, together with our partners, Cornerstone Communications, a local consulting firm specializing in investor relations and capital markets advisory, has conducted a new edition of the Market Pulse study dedicated to the capital market and retail investor behavior in Romania. The research was conducted between December 2022 and February 2023 on a […]